Title VI Training, Forms & Grievance Policy

Limited English Proficiency: If you need translation services for any coalition-related needs, please call 423-742-2991 or contact info@scadcoalition.org for help. If you need documents or information on the website translated, contact us or use Google Translate. 

Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition agrees, warrants, and assures that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the performance of coalition opportunities or in the employment practices of the Coalition on the grounds of disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other classification protected by Federal, Tennessee State, constitutional, or statutory law. Anyone with a Title VI complaint may download the complaint form below and follow the directions for submitting to the review agency.

Quick SCAD Title VI training
Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition Title VI Complaint Form

Title VI Training

If you are a coalition member and have not had Title VI training this year, you may complete training through this website. Please review the Google Slide provided above and then take the test to complete your training. 

Grievance Procedures for Community

Sullivan County Anti-Drug (SCAD) Coalition respects every recipient’s right to a clear and fair process for recipients to bring up problems, complaints and disagreements with the organization’s actions and decisions. The following procedures are to be shared with all staff and volunteers interacting with recipients: