Conversation Cards

time for a conversation!

Our conversation starter cards were created through a collaborative effort with our coalition. These cards are designed to help parents and caregivers initiate important discussions with children about substance misuse prevention. Each card features carefully crafted prompts and questions that encourage open, honest conversations about the risks and consequences of substance use. 

These cards help parents and caregivers create a supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. This initiative underscores our commitment to equipping families with the necessary tools to prevent substance misuse and promote healthy, informed decision-making among children.


What is Fentanyl?

35% of 13 - 17 year olds don't know enough about Fentanyl to rate its danger.

In 2023, DEA laboratories found 7 of 10 pills tested contained a potentially deadly dose of Fentanyl.


 What are some common side effects from vaping?

What type of ingredients are in a vape? 




What are ways to say No to underage drinking in a social setting?

What are the consequences if an adult gives alochol to a minor?

Prescription drugs (RX) 

What should I do with unused medications found in the house?

Returning unused medications  

 Drug disposal locator  

DEA Take Back Day  

Why should you not take someone else’s medicine, even if it came from a doctor?

Understanding the issue  

Prescription meds  

Safe drug use  

Medicine Abuse Program Partners 


What does dopamine have to do with substance use?

Dopamine can be influenced by all kinds of external factors: Things like social media, video games, and certain foods can trigger dopamine release, which can be both rewarding and habit-forming.

Healthy lifestyle

When feeling down, what are some of the healthy activities you do to make yourself happy again?